Monday, July 20, 2015

Pain Med Addition Treatment

A prescription medication addict will seem healthy and physically fit on the outside, but their mind will be foggy, convoluted, a complete disarray.  The reason why this addiction is so discreet is because it’s so easy to mask.  You can easily give the excuse of, “Oh, I’m just out of it today,” or “I haven’t had my morning coffee yet,” or the best one yet, “I’ve just got a million things on my mind and I’m just a little distracted today.”  Make no mistake, though easily disguised and camouflaged, it is no less addictive and it is no less destructive.  Those that suffer from having to constantly medicate themselves with prescription medication know that it’s difficult to remember things, difficult to even put up the  façade of being coherent, or to perform complex mental processes and calculations.  It’s so deceivingly malignant, this addiction to pain medication.  In America there is no shortages of pain med addiction treatment centers, a telling tale that reveals this country addiction to pain medication.   We have become a nation of addicts, and in this country it is something that will be financially capitalized on.  How far have we come in our addiction since this country’s inception?  Today, there are any number of mind-altering substances, both legal and illegal,

that allow a person to create any number of physical and mental effects for themselves.  Statistically speaking, 70% of this Americans take at least one prescription on a daily basis.  With 70% of Americans taking at least 1 prescription pill daily, it outnumbers diabetes, heart disease, and even cancer.  What’s shocking is that it outnumbers these three combined.  And what makes this even worse is that the lines between legitimate need for prescription medication or prescription painkillers is blurred, grayed to the point where distinction is difficult to delineate.  One can be taking prescription painkillers for legitimate reasons, at least initially, for something like a car accident or back surgery, where the necessity for a sedative is necessary just to be able to sleep at night to gain the adequate rest that will allow you to heal enough to the point where you can get off the medication.  Nationwide, this accounts for roughly 100 million people, a frighteningly staggering number that has quietly existed, thanks to the hidden nature of an addiction to pain medication.  The visible effects of an addiction to pain medication are not as pronounced or as obvious as a heroin addiction – there are no gaunt eyes, jaundiced pallor, cadaverously emaciated body.  What is important is the prescription addiction treatment facilities.

prescription addiction treatment facilities

Pain Med Addiction Treatment

mattress store Torrance

mattress store Los Angeles

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